Best Summer Ever
Promotional video produced for La Porte, Indiana Animal Shelter
encouraging pet adoption.
Gone Swimming
Smart phone story shot in a sudden Chicago summer storm
Backdoor Chicken
Local Taco Eatery
Honking Awesome
Chengdu China has a program in place to stop horn honking in the city
The Malecon
Havana, Cuba - The wall where it all happens.
There is no avoiding the cats of Turkey. Istanbul is home to several hundred thousand cats (some even say there may be as many as one million). For a city of 15 million people, that's a lot of cats. What is more surprising is the level of care locals provide to the cats.
Turn the Noise Down
Some experts warn that rising ocean levels could make Kiribati and other low-lying places uninhabitable. However, eleven-year-old Pauline Tony refuses to give up. She is determined to preserve her beautiful country, its rich traditions, and unique language for future generations. Pauline advises others to "turn the noise down," avoid alarmism and focus on finding solutions rather than spreading doom and gloom. She believes in coming together to seek answers and insists on never giving up.
Sidewalk Bike Repair
This broken down bike sat secured to the fence for a couple of weeks before I decided to fix the flat tire. The next day the bike was gone...never to be seen again.